Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Road Less Travelled

1) Do you believe it is important to be passionate about your job? Think about adults you know well, and how they feel about their jobs?

I do not believe it is passionate about your job at all because what you should be passionate about is your life. If you are passionate about your life you can take things from your life and apply them to your job. Jobs and life should be separate but are equally needed. People who are to passionate about their jobs often fail to maintain ties and familiarities with those around them because they are used to being around their co-workers who share similar understanding about their jobs. Then again, people who are to passionate about their life can develop life self centered personalities and usually not care about family or about playing ones part in the social ecosystem. A life is some thing you need to be passionate about and a job is some thing you have to buckle down and do.

2) What are you going to do with the rest of your life (career wise) and how are you going to get there? (Yes, it is certainly ok if you don't have concrete plans, but at least write about a possible path you could take).

What I am going to do with the rest of my life can not be summed up in any amount of words. I plan on having numerous careers because I can not understand simply having one career all your life. To get to this multi-career life I will have to keep all options open until I find some thing I love and once I get bored of that I will keep looking till I find some thing new I love. A possible path I will probably take is go to university and once co-op starts I will begin my life in the working world and once in that world I will probably stray from my career and follow my life by the seat of my pants.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Prompt 315!!!!

As I sat there in the local the burger joint called Tuburgerlosis. I waited with anticipation and glee because I ordered the house special the Beefulous prime! The king of grease itself the Beefulous Prime but as the king of grease he (The Beefulous Prime is so exceptionally beefy that he can be considered a man) rules over the kingdom of tastiness and flavor. It was one of those burgers where you had a time limit to eat to get it free and with most of those contests you get a special seat and the whole staff watching you engulf that wild mythical beast of a burger. Those feelings of long waited anticipation and glee dissipated quite quickly when I heard the combined efforts of two full grown rugged burger connoisseurs haul in the Beefulous Prime and once again those feelings turned opposite when they dropped the burger on the slightly scratched wooden table. When the burger hit the table it felt like a bomb was dropped inside the eating area and I could hear the special burger table splinter all over and I could tell the legs were buckling under its sheer weight. I took a closer look at the table and could see that all table legs were reinforced with steel bindings and chains and the top of the table had graves scarred into the wood from all those previous Beefulous Prime attempters and I leaned in a little closer and saw a blank nameless grave that was just freshly carved in. I broke a sweat and started to panic and in my desperation I tried to calm my self down by taking a long look at this burger joint’s surroundings. I noticed all the minute things in this place called Tuburgerlosis like all the broken down chairs and morbidly obese people forcefully swallowing an obscene amount of burgers. Then finally it hit me there were no victory signs or achievements of any known person who prevailed over the Beefulous Prime that thought made me take a deep breath and envision my own victory sign because that thought was my inspiration. So I closed my eyes for a solid 10 seconds and then opened them to the Beefulous Prime but I could not see it as their was so much grease it acted like a blinding light. I started to focus my eyes and realized I was in the hospital and a diplomatic looking doctor wearing a jacket leaned over and handed me a balloon then said “Congratulations you are the first person to survive the Beefulous Prime contest even though you passed out directly on top of the burger and took out a microscopic bite. You have a prize waiting for you in the Conference Room….

Tab le Review

The table, you multitasking eccentric! Your uses can not be comprehended on a decoration or a home essential scale because your capabilities can only be defined by the rigorous ambitions of your master. Even though the table may be a thing of wonder there is still a superior table in the table family and that table is the round table! The round table is the social sophisticate of the mass produced furniture civilization. This table of circular dimensions allows more people to be seated along its round edges. The table may be inferior in the amount of objects that can be placed upon its surface as it has less surface area than its close product the square table but alas the square table can not fit the same amount of people due its giant corners! The square table’s giant corners make it inferior as a table is a social item. Boxes are used for storing objects and tables are meant to be round. It’s not the other way around because no one wants to sit a over crowded table.
The round table is the Michael Jordan of tables!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Synthesis Assignment!!

The novel “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” shares various views with the poem “The Wall” by Pink Floyd as both pieces of literature touch upon the negativity of human manipulation. The novel “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” states that insanity is a label placed upon the manipulated people of society. As the ward is full of volunteer psychotics who have been brainwashed into thinking they need daily doses of medication and personalized treatment just to coalesce into the public eye of society. The volunteers attend the ward’s practices like kids attend school it’s a bond that almost has a religious sense of duty and this life style is not accumulating a cure for the insanity. Human nature bestowed society with the power to judge and label people insane just as the Ward was bestowed with the power to ensure that the insane stay deranged as intended. It is a cycle of society oppressing individuality. The school in the poem “The Wall” shows this cynical cycle in the youth of the poem but the children are refuting and shouting out “We don’t need no thought control” and revealing that unlike the ward patients the youth know they are being oppressed by the school. The youth have an anonymous supporter who tells the teachers to leave the kids alone and the youth stand united in saying that they don’t need this breed of education. This breed of education was almost successfully initiated once by an infamous leader of Germany, Hitler. Hitler created the Hitler Youth which was an organization of young German boys brainwashed into thinking Hitler’s methods were the only methods. The Hitler Youth was dismantled as soon as he was out of power but to dismantle the method of manipulation in society is merely unheard of because you would have to manipulate to people to get the man power to stop it, thus creating another cynical cycle.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ken Kesey. Creative with Chemicals
Ken Elton Kesey was born in 1935 and died in 2001. Kesey most well known for his novel "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" which he wrote at Stanford University creative writing course. During high school Kesey was a top notch athlete and voted most likely to succeed. During his life Kesey volunteered to take part in a CIA-financed study named project MK ULTRA at the Menlo Park Veterans Hospital in which he ingested lots of drugs and wrote about his experiences. It is said after those particular experiences he became an active role model in counter culture. Ken Kesey and his friends had acid parties and served LSD laced Kool aid. During one of his hallucinations he envisioned an Indian sweeping the floors of a hospital which was his reasoning for making One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Ken Kesey and his group of creative drug users called the Merry Pranksters travelled the land in a psychedelic bus named "Further" eventually their trip was made into a book and a movie called "Some Times a Great Notion" it was a academy award winner. Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest was also made in to a motion picture and a broad way. The film was not Kesey's likings as he later sued the production. One of the main reasons he did not like the film was because it was not narrated by Cheif Bromden, a character in the book.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Synthesis Assignment

The average ordinary persons capabilities of murderous acts upon civilization are unlimited. Any person sane or psychotic has the ability to murder when the situation is a justice in their own reality. The texts "The lottery" by Shirley Jackson and "The Perils of Indifference" by Elie Wiesel are prime examples of ordinary citizens committing murderous acts. Ordinary people commit murders with out thought and guilt.

Tradition is a very livable cycle to follow throughout your life. Rarely does one question the tradition they live by as its always the way things have been and always the way things will be. So why would one question it? Only those who follow a different tradition would find other traditions obsolete and unethical would ever think of questioning a regular tradition. In the story "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson every June 27th the village would conduct their ritual like tradition of randomly killing off one of their citizens for no apparent reason. All the citizens in the community would gather and be involved in the stoning to death of one person. No one thought it was unjust it was just the way things were done there. The village had been doing it longer then any one could remember. Some who had been doing the lottery for a long time "Seventy-seventh year I been in the lottery. Old Man Warner said." Seventy almost eighty years the lottery had gone on with out any one contesting or questioning it. Ordinary towns can ordinarily murder people because its tradition to them. Tradition creates a murderous capability for ordinary folk.

Some times for ordinary people to commit massive attacks on humanity they need to have a leader who can rial people up for a unjust cause. A survivor of such an attack is Elie Wiesel and he has a piece of work called "The Perils of Indifference" about the compassion for cruelty humans maintain. Speaks about his former terrors of the holocaust and how he thought that nobody knew about it because no one tried to stop it until it was in major motion. Proving that all ordinary people need to commit a genocide is just one person with a personalized dream of humanity. Doing what humans do best is working in numbers ad its one of our most developed and important skills. From there on creating the band wagon isn't very hard as many people love to join in one what they think may be a very historical moment. A example of society gathering for historic moments was the Inauguration of Barack Obama which captivated so many millions of people. All humans have the ability to kill but what about those who choose to do nothing? "In the place that I come from, society was composed of three simple categories: the killers, the victims, and the bystanders." What of those bystanders? They are one of the major contributing factors to massacres and genocides as the power of doing nothing is a great one. Doing nothing about those malevolent acts reassures the murders that nothing is wrong its a silent form of support. But to not be silent support or a murder takes more then the ordinary citizen. It takes a person of great influence and higher realization but that person needs the ordinary people to follow that said person and create his corrected vision reality. The ordinary people are almost the drones for all acts in civilization. Ordinary people achieve what ever is baited in front of

The ordinary persons capability of murder is the same as the capability to survive. People will stride towards life doing what ever they can to survive and sadly enough murder is some times on that list. A human has eat and some extremist will kill a person for food after a long enough period of time. Killing to humans is second nature as there has never been a era in human civilization where there has been no waring. Humans kill to live and once the living is stable enough to continue they kill out of tradition as they always have done. Ordinary people ordinarily kill people.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Top 3!

The Top Three Reasons To Procrastinate. Most people procrastinate with what people say is not a legitimate reason. But those labeling such reasons are usually to Stressed. These Three Reasons will scaled on what you get out of Procrastinating! So if you reap vast amounts of success while Procrastinating Then that truly is the winner on the scale!

Reason number one to procrastinate is Some thing of Greater Value came forth. This is the best reason to procrastinate. Instead of doing some thing you don't want to do (Which is the reason for Procrastinating) You get to fulfill your self with appealing appetizing adventures of any sort! Where as the set commitment is already planned out and usually lacks room for excitement as you have exhausted the assignment ideas already by reasoning not to do it at all. When things come forth they are only there for a while, Usually a short while but things you are procrastinating are there for longer then you want them to be around. Procrastinating is a lifestyle full of gamblings only winnings and losses when you play with time.

Reason number two is mental and physical nourishment and the revitalizing of the mind and body. Sleeping and Eating are legitimate reasons to skip or slow the production of work being done and slowing and skipping eventually become prospects of Procrastination. With out nourishment there is no possibility of doing work when your wasting away and withering. With out sleep your mind will not work well enough to think and create (excuses) the next level of economics. The Body's needs are above the needs of Others. Making Reason Number Two Reason Number Two.

The best Part about Procrastination is instant pay off. Next Reason, Reason number two. When you are doing some thing early you have to wait for a reward. But if you do it last minute if you get the instant satisfaction. This one is last on the list because it can happen to all Procrastination situations. Its not really a reason just a reward and kinda of a motivational fall back. Those are my Top Three Procrastinations!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Super Life

If superpowers were common factors in every day life. I suppose I would like to have a superpower to increase entrainment in life. So time traveling it would come down to. You know everything that would happen, you could redo anything having a advantage on every thing in the world. Never could you lose gamble or bet or anything... Anything reasonable that is. I would take this power over related powers like time stopping because its just that much better. Time stopping is like measly game of stop stop go with the whole world and no losing factor. Time traveling is so much more, if I ever slip into a uncontrollable depression or illness I can change to an another era where the drugs or problems in life are incomprehensibly different allowing quick recuperation. Cheating would become second nature, corruptness would be growing at a unprecedented rate. I would defiantly become a Villain in most eyes and a hero to all proscrastinators.