Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Road Less Travelled

1) Do you believe it is important to be passionate about your job? Think about adults you know well, and how they feel about their jobs?

I do not believe it is passionate about your job at all because what you should be passionate about is your life. If you are passionate about your life you can take things from your life and apply them to your job. Jobs and life should be separate but are equally needed. People who are to passionate about their jobs often fail to maintain ties and familiarities with those around them because they are used to being around their co-workers who share similar understanding about their jobs. Then again, people who are to passionate about their life can develop life self centered personalities and usually not care about family or about playing ones part in the social ecosystem. A life is some thing you need to be passionate about and a job is some thing you have to buckle down and do.

2) What are you going to do with the rest of your life (career wise) and how are you going to get there? (Yes, it is certainly ok if you don't have concrete plans, but at least write about a possible path you could take).

What I am going to do with the rest of my life can not be summed up in any amount of words. I plan on having numerous careers because I can not understand simply having one career all your life. To get to this multi-career life I will have to keep all options open until I find some thing I love and once I get bored of that I will keep looking till I find some thing new I love. A possible path I will probably take is go to university and once co-op starts I will begin my life in the working world and once in that world I will probably stray from my career and follow my life by the seat of my pants.

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