Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Prompt 315!!!!

As I sat there in the local the burger joint called Tuburgerlosis. I waited with anticipation and glee because I ordered the house special the Beefulous prime! The king of grease itself the Beefulous Prime but as the king of grease he (The Beefulous Prime is so exceptionally beefy that he can be considered a man) rules over the kingdom of tastiness and flavor. It was one of those burgers where you had a time limit to eat to get it free and with most of those contests you get a special seat and the whole staff watching you engulf that wild mythical beast of a burger. Those feelings of long waited anticipation and glee dissipated quite quickly when I heard the combined efforts of two full grown rugged burger connoisseurs haul in the Beefulous Prime and once again those feelings turned opposite when they dropped the burger on the slightly scratched wooden table. When the burger hit the table it felt like a bomb was dropped inside the eating area and I could hear the special burger table splinter all over and I could tell the legs were buckling under its sheer weight. I took a closer look at the table and could see that all table legs were reinforced with steel bindings and chains and the top of the table had graves scarred into the wood from all those previous Beefulous Prime attempters and I leaned in a little closer and saw a blank nameless grave that was just freshly carved in. I broke a sweat and started to panic and in my desperation I tried to calm my self down by taking a long look at this burger joint’s surroundings. I noticed all the minute things in this place called Tuburgerlosis like all the broken down chairs and morbidly obese people forcefully swallowing an obscene amount of burgers. Then finally it hit me there were no victory signs or achievements of any known person who prevailed over the Beefulous Prime that thought made me take a deep breath and envision my own victory sign because that thought was my inspiration. So I closed my eyes for a solid 10 seconds and then opened them to the Beefulous Prime but I could not see it as their was so much grease it acted like a blinding light. I started to focus my eyes and realized I was in the hospital and a diplomatic looking doctor wearing a jacket leaned over and handed me a balloon then said “Congratulations you are the first person to survive the Beefulous Prime contest even though you passed out directly on top of the burger and took out a microscopic bite. You have a prize waiting for you in the Conference Room….

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