Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Synthesis Assignment

The average ordinary persons capabilities of murderous acts upon civilization are unlimited. Any person sane or psychotic has the ability to murder when the situation is a justice in their own reality. The texts "The lottery" by Shirley Jackson and "The Perils of Indifference" by Elie Wiesel are prime examples of ordinary citizens committing murderous acts. Ordinary people commit murders with out thought and guilt.

Tradition is a very livable cycle to follow throughout your life. Rarely does one question the tradition they live by as its always the way things have been and always the way things will be. So why would one question it? Only those who follow a different tradition would find other traditions obsolete and unethical would ever think of questioning a regular tradition. In the story "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson every June 27th the village would conduct their ritual like tradition of randomly killing off one of their citizens for no apparent reason. All the citizens in the community would gather and be involved in the stoning to death of one person. No one thought it was unjust it was just the way things were done there. The village had been doing it longer then any one could remember. Some who had been doing the lottery for a long time "Seventy-seventh year I been in the lottery. Old Man Warner said." Seventy almost eighty years the lottery had gone on with out any one contesting or questioning it. Ordinary towns can ordinarily murder people because its tradition to them. Tradition creates a murderous capability for ordinary folk.

Some times for ordinary people to commit massive attacks on humanity they need to have a leader who can rial people up for a unjust cause. A survivor of such an attack is Elie Wiesel and he has a piece of work called "The Perils of Indifference" about the compassion for cruelty humans maintain. Speaks about his former terrors of the holocaust and how he thought that nobody knew about it because no one tried to stop it until it was in major motion. Proving that all ordinary people need to commit a genocide is just one person with a personalized dream of humanity. Doing what humans do best is working in numbers ad its one of our most developed and important skills. From there on creating the band wagon isn't very hard as many people love to join in one what they think may be a very historical moment. A example of society gathering for historic moments was the Inauguration of Barack Obama which captivated so many millions of people. All humans have the ability to kill but what about those who choose to do nothing? "In the place that I come from, society was composed of three simple categories: the killers, the victims, and the bystanders." What of those bystanders? They are one of the major contributing factors to massacres and genocides as the power of doing nothing is a great one. Doing nothing about those malevolent acts reassures the murders that nothing is wrong its a silent form of support. But to not be silent support or a murder takes more then the ordinary citizen. It takes a person of great influence and higher realization but that person needs the ordinary people to follow that said person and create his corrected vision reality. The ordinary people are almost the drones for all acts in civilization. Ordinary people achieve what ever is baited in front of

The ordinary persons capability of murder is the same as the capability to survive. People will stride towards life doing what ever they can to survive and sadly enough murder is some times on that list. A human has eat and some extremist will kill a person for food after a long enough period of time. Killing to humans is second nature as there has never been a era in human civilization where there has been no waring. Humans kill to live and once the living is stable enough to continue they kill out of tradition as they always have done. Ordinary people ordinarily kill people.