Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Top 3!

The Top Three Reasons To Procrastinate. Most people procrastinate with what people say is not a legitimate reason. But those labeling such reasons are usually to Stressed. These Three Reasons will scaled on what you get out of Procrastinating! So if you reap vast amounts of success while Procrastinating Then that truly is the winner on the scale!

Reason number one to procrastinate is Some thing of Greater Value came forth. This is the best reason to procrastinate. Instead of doing some thing you don't want to do (Which is the reason for Procrastinating) You get to fulfill your self with appealing appetizing adventures of any sort! Where as the set commitment is already planned out and usually lacks room for excitement as you have exhausted the assignment ideas already by reasoning not to do it at all. When things come forth they are only there for a while, Usually a short while but things you are procrastinating are there for longer then you want them to be around. Procrastinating is a lifestyle full of gamblings only winnings and losses when you play with time.

Reason number two is mental and physical nourishment and the revitalizing of the mind and body. Sleeping and Eating are legitimate reasons to skip or slow the production of work being done and slowing and skipping eventually become prospects of Procrastination. With out nourishment there is no possibility of doing work when your wasting away and withering. With out sleep your mind will not work well enough to think and create (excuses) the next level of economics. The Body's needs are above the needs of Others. Making Reason Number Two Reason Number Two.

The best Part about Procrastination is instant pay off. Next Reason, Reason number two. When you are doing some thing early you have to wait for a reward. But if you do it last minute if you get the instant satisfaction. This one is last on the list because it can happen to all Procrastination situations. Its not really a reason just a reward and kinda of a motivational fall back. Those are my Top Three Procrastinations!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Super Life

If superpowers were common factors in every day life. I suppose I would like to have a superpower to increase entrainment in life. So time traveling it would come down to. You know everything that would happen, you could redo anything having a advantage on every thing in the world. Never could you lose gamble or bet or anything... Anything reasonable that is. I would take this power over related powers like time stopping because its just that much better. Time stopping is like measly game of stop stop go with the whole world and no losing factor. Time traveling is so much more, if I ever slip into a uncontrollable depression or illness I can change to an another era where the drugs or problems in life are incomprehensibly different allowing quick recuperation. Cheating would become second nature, corruptness would be growing at a unprecedented rate. I would defiantly become a Villain in most eyes and a hero to all proscrastinators.